New WBCSD Report Takes Stock of the Business & Human Rights Landscape
Geneva, 17 November 2016: In the wake of the 5th annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has published a new issue brief titled, “Business & Human Rights: From Principles to Action” This issue brief sets out to succinctly highlight some of the key developments that have characterized the business and human rights landscape in the relatively short period since the UN Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011, establishing an authoritative global standard on the respective roles of businesses and governments in helping ensure that companies respect human rights in their own operations and through their business relationships.
The brief explores trends around emerging regulation as well as programs to support and encourage robust business action in this field. It also looks to identify progress and enduring challenges on the operationalization of the UNGPs by business, leveraging analysis of human rights reporting amongst WBCSD’s approximately 200 member companies identified as part of the organization’s Reporting Matters work stream.
Finally, the piece also touches upon the road that lies ahead for the business and human rights agenda and frames this evolving agenda in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals which have introduced a new sustainable business paradigm since their launch in September 2015.
WBCSD and Human Rights
“Meeting basic needs and respecting human rights” is one of nine key priority areas within the WBCSD’s Action2020 platform. As part of efforts to contribute to achieving this priority, WBCSD remains committed, through its human rights business solution, to supporting the operationalization of the UN Guiding Principles, with the aim of considerably increasing the number of companies knowing and showing that they are respecting human rights.
For more information, please contact James Gomme, Director, Sustainable Development Goals –