by | Feb 26, 2017
Raising the Bar: Rethinking the role of business in the Sustainable Development Goals Who’s behind it? – Oxfam (2017) How can it help? – This discussion paper by Oxfam explores what constitutes “meaningful” engagement by business around the SDGs and...
by | Jan 16, 2017
Realize the Potential of Your Ethical Trade Programme Who’s behind it? – Ethical Trading Initiative (2017) How can it help? – This report by the Ethical Trade Initiative highlights links between the SDGs and the UNGPs while also exploring in detail how the...
by | Dec 14, 2016
SDG Business Hub Who’s behind it? – WBCSD How can it help? – The WBCSD’s SDG Business Hub is an online platform designed to provide support to companies as they look to navigate the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to providing access to the...
by | Nov 30, 2016
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Through Business Respect for Human Rights Who’s behind it? – Professor John Ruggie (2016) How can it help? – The keynote address of John Ruggie, the author of the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights...
by | Nov 30, 2016
Business, Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals: Forging a Coherent Vision and Strategy Who’s behind it – Business & Sustainable Development Commission (2016) How can it help? – This report by Shift, which has been published by the...
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