by | Nov 17, 2017
10 Human Rights Priorities for the Extractives Sector Who’s behind it? – BSR (2017) How can it help? – This primer by BSR identifies the most salient human rights challenges and risks for the extractives industry, and presents ideas for enhancing positive...
by | Sep 28, 2017
No Way Around Due Diligence Who’s behind it? – Econsense & twentyfifity (2019) How can it help? – This resource made available by WBCSD’s German Global network partner Econsense, and produced in collaboration with twentyfifty, provides an easily accessible...
by | Sep 15, 2017
10 Human Rights Priorities for the Transport and Logistics Sector Who’s behind it? – BSR (2017) How can it help? – This primer by BSR looks into the most relevant, urgent, and probable human rights issues within the transport and logistics sector and provides...
by | Aug 30, 2017
10 Human Rights Priorities for the Power and Utilities Sector Who’s behind it? – BSR (2017) How can it help? – This BSR primer lays out the key human rights impacts for the power and utilities sector, as well as emerging risks and ideas for enhancing positive...
by | Aug 28, 2017
10 Human Rights Priorities for the Financial Sector Who’s behind it? – BSR (2017) How can it help? – A primer, put together by BSR, on the most relevant, urgent, and probable human rights impacts for the financial sector and opportunities for positive impact....
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