by | Jun 3, 2019
Child Labour Index 2019 Who’s behind it? – Verisk Maplecroft (2019) How can it help? – The Child Labour Index indicates the risk to business of association with the employment of children by state and non-state actors in violation of international law. The...
by | Feb 26, 2019
Children are everyone’s business: workbook 2.0 Who’s behind it? – UNICEF (2014) How can it help? – ‘Children Are Everyone’s Business: Workbook 2.0’ is a comprehensive tool designed to guide companies through theongoing process of learning about and integrating...
by | Dec 20, 2018
Ripe for Change – Ending Human Suffering in Supermarket Supply Chains Who’s behind it? – Oxfam (2018) How can it help? – This report and the associated annexes expose the root causes behind human rights issues in food supply chains and aim to mobilize the...
by | Dec 11, 2018
Children’s Rights and Business Atlas Who’s behind it? – Unicef and the Global Child Forum (2018)  How can it help? – The Children’s Rights and Business Atlas is an online due diligence platform to facilitate understanding of actual and potential business...
by | Dec 7, 2018
AAA Recommendations Who’s behind it? – Bali Process Government and Business Forum (2018) How can it help? – The Acknowledge, Act and Advance Recommendations set out a pathway for both business and government to contribute to the eradication of human...
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