by | Aug 13, 2018
WBCSD Business and Human Rights Landscape Who’s behind it? – WBCSD (2021) How can it help? – This interactive map by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) helps in exploring key developments, including National Action Plans, Legislation, Joint...
by | Dec 8, 2017
Top 10 Business and Human Rights Issues 2018 Who’s behind it? – IHRB (2017) How can it help? – The IHRB’s annual top 10 list of business & human rights issues is a useful resource to look out for when trying to keep abreast of the fast-evolving human...
by | Dec 6, 2017
10 Human Rights Priorities for the ICT Sector Who’s behind it? – BSR (2017) How can it help? – In 2017, BSR published a series of human rights primers for different industries on their key human rights impacts and the opportunities for positive action. This...
by | Dec 4, 2017
Business & Human Rights in Law Who’s behind it? – ECCJ, Core, ICAR, Public Eye & Above Ground (2017) How can it help? – The Business & Human Rights in Law website tracks legislative and case law developments related to the corporate responsibility...
by | Nov 30, 2017
National Action Plans Map Who’s behind it? – The Danish Institute for Human Rights (2017) How can it help? – This website by the Danish Institute for Human Rights is a useful tool for tracking the development of National Action Plans (NAPs) on business...
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